This unprecedented time in our business lives has turned the workplace upside down. Many of us are working in our homes, and the individuals we usually work closely with to get things done may not be as accessible. And, distractions surround us as we wait for information to surface which can guide our plans and decisions.
In the midst of this extremely disrupted workplace, we all still have the same amount of time in a day to get things done. While our responsibilities and interests differ, we need to be productive and effective just the same. If that is true for us, we can be sure it is also true for our managers, leaders, and staff.
Time and priority management are some of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Individuals who prioritize tasks and leverage their time are more valuable and efficient throughout a typical workday. To start the process of uncovering your time challenges, click here to download Pinnacle Groups’ Time Optimization – Key Success Factors.
Pinnacle Group provides leadership and professional development training programs to increase staff capability so the organization gets better overall results. To provide real-time development to your staff, take advantage of Pinnacle Group’s 1-hour Virtual Training Program Breaking Through Personal Barriers to Optimize Time. Programs are specially priced for preferred partners. To learn more, contact Kerri Marin, Director, Sales & Solutions.