Do you find yourself… Working from home? New to the virtual workplace? You are not alone.
With everything going on in the world around us, working virtually for many is the new normal. For some, it is as familiar as your morning cup of coffee while for others it feels new, odd, and less than ideal. If having the ability to work from home has shifted from a “wouldn’t it be nice,” to a necessity, then you are joining many around the world who are plugging in virtually.
Join Pinnacle Group, and other business professionals and leaders for a virtual conversation Friday, March 27, 2020, 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. EDT to discuss approaches for successfully navigating the virtual workspace. Whether working virtually is a short-term situation or a professional lifestyle, tips for improving your effectiveness and results will help.
Click here to join the conversation or contact Kerri Marin for more information on optimizing the virtual workspace.